Today, we discuss the advantages of working with senior and junior software developers. Let´s jump in!
“We don’t have time to train junior developers.”
“Our project is too important to depend on inexperienced developers.”
“We’ll wait until our business has matured before we hire entry-level workers.”
These are common reasons businesses give for why they won’t hire junior developers. And it only seems natural that during a tech boom, when software companies are seeing tremendous growth, these organizations want to rely on experienced, qualified talent to help them stay ahead of the curve.
We’re with you. Unfortunately, due to a weak educational system in computer science, most junior engineers are truly far from being capable of contributing to a development team. This is why, for the past 20+ years, we’ve invested in education, from top talent in the industry to the top 2% candidates in LatAm, granting them integral scholarships on various training programs ranging from 3 months to 4 years. Engineers we train don’t graduate as juniors; we call them Athletes.
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We have addressed the most common gaps from a regular junior in the industry, leveling the bar way up. Athletes engage in intensive, full-time, project-based programs that cover state-of-the-art programming practices, design, patterns, coding branches, unit testing, DevOps adherent, Agile practices, teamwork, and much more; our athletes will have seamless integration with your teams and won’t need babysitting. They will appreciate your mentorship as they continue to grow professionally.
At a time when the software development professional is growing at a rate of 22% — much faster than average, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) — organizations should be considering different types of talent, as well as different pipelines.
Discover about nearshore agile software development and how this approach improved communication, faster delivery times, and cost-effectiveness.
Advantages of working with our Athletes
One of the most obvious advantages of hiring athlete engineers is that they are less expensive than senior engineers. While senior professionals expect to earn salaries well into six figures, entry-level professionals understand that more money comes with more experience.
But the benefits aren’t limited to cost-effectiveness. You will also face less competition from top companies — athlete engineers are highly talented and have a much lesser attrition rate. Most of our athletes have a commitment with us for at least one year. Additionally, as they will grow with you and your company, and because you have taken somewhat of a chance on them, they could very well feel loyal to you and will stick around longer than a more experienced professional might. One day, you could have a former low-level employee leading your team!
Advantages of working with senior developers
Of course, senior developers bring value to their businesses, too. They have years of experience, and they have proven their expertise through their high-quality work. They bring knowledge, strong skills, and specializations to your team.
In return, they naturally expect higher salaries. But for many companies, they are well worth the investment given the talent they offer. And, chances are, they’re fielding offers from your competitors, so it only stands to reason that you will need to entice them to stay with you for the long haul.
Senior developers who have been with your business for a long period also have knowledge specific to your enterprise, which is extremely helpful in terms of understanding your company culture, your products, and work methods and styles. They can serve as a resource to newer hires and understand what makes your business tick. Many gain leadership skills and other qualifications along the way.
One more quality that senior developers bring to your team is worth noting: mentorship.
When you have knowledgeable, experienced developers on your team, they can serve as mentors to your junior developers. They will show them the ropes and help them become accustomed to your procedures. They can also offer them career guidance, teaching them how to become exceptional developers and work with professionals with different roles and skill sets.
Read here what a software delivery team is and how to build it with senior and junior developers.
Why “mixed” teams are the answer
Even with the obvious advantages both senior software developers and junior developers bring to your business, you should not rely on one group over the other — instead, the best teams have a blend of both athletes and senior developers. This is ideal for startups, small businesses, and large businesses alike.
Why is that the case?
First, think about collaboration. This is critical for any organization, no more so than in software development. Software developers of all levels need to work well with one another and with the other professionals on their teams. When you have professionals with varying levels of experience working together, you can expect fewer ego clashes — senior developers are seen as the go-to individuals, while junior team members are more likely to be deferential to their more experienced counterparts.
Meanwhile, as we have underscored, athlete developers can learn from the senior developers, who will act as mentors to them. They can be on hand to train them, as well as coach them and provide guidance. Senior developers are unlikely to stay with your company forever, and by showing their less experienced counterparts the ropes, they are, in effect, helping them grow into solid professionals who can one day take the reins.
In addition, to support this there is the perspective angle to consider. Any business leader knows that if you rely too much on people from the same background, age group, or demographics, you will fail to meet the needs of a global market. By welcoming people with varying degrees of experience and expertise to your company, you are bringing in a range of beliefs, ideas, and work styles.
What does all that mean?
Better products and services. Software development is about innovation and creativity, and by blending approaches, skills — and, yes, levels of experience, you are becoming more adept and effective at brainstorming ideas and developing better products, meeting the needs of an ever-changing, diverse market and audience.
Engaging our senior and junior developers on your team is an exceptional opportunity to achieve success in your most complex software programs.
If you are considering a career goal that involves rapid adaptation and finding solutions to ever-changing scenarios, consider joining us!
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